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Practical Training/ Laboratory Courses

Practical Training/ Laboratory Courses

This type of course is usually found in the natural sciences. Here in laboratory courses, the specific scientific methods of the respective subject are used, measurements taken, and experiments carried out.

Practical training courses offer the opportunity to acquire the necessary practical and method skills in the respective fields. They demand a large amount of independent work to be accomplished by the students.

At universities, laboratory courses take place in labs that have been specifically set up for each field. The students either conduct the experiments themselves or observe the progression of experiments. These courses are a firmly integrated part of the curriculum in natural sciences and in engineering.

Implementing digital media as added support for laboratory courses and practical training opens up new opportunities and can have different objectives. With the help of virtual labs, costly experiments can be made available making it possible to repeat an experiment, independent of time and place. Critical safety procedures, for example in the technical processes of a nuclear power plant, can be shown, or alternatively, students can prepare for the in-class laboratory course so that the time in class may be used more effectively.

How a classic lab course can be successfully supplemented by implementing digital media is shown in the Field Report of Frank Fischer and Silvia Früh. In the case example, a psychology course was redesigned with respect to didactics and organization by the implementation of digital media and web-supported, cooperative lecture notes.

The Online Lab Course imparts basic knowledge of the heart/circulatory system and the electrocardiogram. Through simulation and exercises, the anxiety of students with respect to direct contact with patients and machines may be dispelled.

The Online Dermatology Course makes it possible for students of medicine to use and test their knowledge with the help of animation and video clips. Virtual clinic personnel give professional advice and supervision; further, learning progress is documented in a data base and is available to the students.

When integrating multimedia components for added support in a laboratory course or in practical training, aspects from the categories Contents, Communication, and Organization must be taken into account. You may find more in-depth information under the headings on the right.

Letzte Änderung: 14.09.2011

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