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Didactic Design

You would like to use digital media when teaching? In this case, the insights from Didactic Design should be very interesting for you: Didactic Design encompasses the development of learning environments from conception to evaluation. (Ballstaedt, 1997).

The purpose of Didactic Design is to improve teaching and learning by designing and implementing digital media. This includes deliberations and recommendations on how to choose, combine, implement, and evaluate digital media for different teaching and learning situations. A subtask of Didactic Design is creating and designing media in terms of a “design-oriented media pedagogy” (Kerres, 1999).

The recommendations, tips and tricks for designing digital media-supported teaching and learning situations, should stimulate an educational and creative use of digital media. Look at the topics in the menu on the left for in-depth explanations.

When planning your classes, you should keep in mind the typical issues of lesson planning according to target group, content, learning objectives, teaching methods. More

No scientific scholarship without research! Developing research skills is, for this reason, a key goal for university teaching. For university studies and on the job, a good command of research resources and methods is a key qualification. More

One cannot imagine (university) teaching without communication und cooperation. When learning with digital media in particular, social interaction plays a major role to make learning successful. But how do you, as a teacher, create a social presence in a virtual room? More

Digital Media Design
Digital media for teaching should be characterized by functionality, simplicity, and consistency. We have compiled information that should help you with the creative implementation of digital media products and the development of concepts for designing them. More

Quality Assurance
Quality assurance and quality improvement are key goals of the evaluation process. From the analysis, practical conclusions should be drawn. Learn more about the basis for evaluation, planning quality assurance methods throughout the various phases, and also the methods inventory for carrying out evaluation studies. More

Theoretical Background
Various theoretical fields are concerned with insights into the underlying principles of teaching and learning processes as well as of the conception and production of digital media. When developing and designing (partly) virtual teaching methods, you may draw on the insights found in these fields. More

Letzte Änderung: 25.08.2012

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