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Counselling & Support

Counselling & Support

To tap the potentials of e-teaching and e-learning, the students must be properly supervised. In (tele-)media scenarios not only do new opportunities arise but also new obligations with respect to support and supervision for students.

Advising students can be supported technically by e-mail or chat. For the parties involved, the need to coordinate the time and place can be eliminated. On the other hand, students and teachers not being together at a specific place and often not at the same time results in fewer spontaneous and unplanned encounters. Thus for example, questions cannot be clarified en passant or the status of a thesis cannot be assessed in a short, informal chat when passing by.

We have subdivided different aspects of individual counselling of students analogous to the structure of the teaching scenarios in the categories Contents, Communication und Organization and have prepared for you various possibilities for implementing new media.

Adequate counselling should not only take place during the course but also before the course begins. In our "FAQ“ section you may find ideas and assistance on , how you can prepare your students for your course with the help of digital media.

In Practice Examples for Counselling and Supervision Measures
  • The Freie Universität Berlin has an interesting approach with respect to counselling students using digital media. The central student psychological counselling centre offers students – beginners and advanced - an extensive E-Learning-Portal. This portal offers information for those interested ranging from information on BA/BS degrees, the interview for admission, “the first day at the university” to learning modules for students writing academic papers. The learning modules consist of a video stream and a presentation, some of which are linked to interactive exercises. This portal is free and has no access limitations.

  • The University of Hamburg offers those interested in studying psychology virtual student advising. After registering and completing a questionnaire, one can find information about the different courses in psychology and about the career possibilities for psychologists.

  • The Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) offers a tool for online advice, BORAKEL, which is directed at those who would like to study at RUB helping them choose the most suitable subjects (major). A test gives the students an idea of their strong and their weak points and with help of a questionnaire, they can find out what might be best for them to specialize in.

  • With the HAW-Navigator the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences offers virtual student counselling that can help those interested decide what they should specialize in. Even before they apply for admission to a certain subject, they can take an online self-test to consider all the facets of the subject, including receiving information about what will be expected of them, whether they fulfil the criteria, about the curriculum, and about career possibilities.

  • In the example of best practice, Coporate Finance, different types of learning are combined such as self-paced learning, in-class courses, online coaching and team work. It places particular emphasis on improving the counselling and supervision situation with a personal online coach.

Letzte Änderung: 23.08.2012

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