Workshop: Re-thinking education in the digital age. Meaningful perspectives for future citizenship

Im vom AVINUS e.V. organisierten Workshop „Re-thinking education in the digital age. Meaningful perspectives for future citizenship“ vom 27. bis 29. April sollen Fragen zum zukünftigen Umgang mit digitalen Medien in der Bildung diskutiert werden.

27.04.2023 - 29.04.2023

Given the numerous current crises and disruptions, it is no surprise that discourses around ‚the digitalized citizen‘ and in its consequence concepts of ’new media literacies‘ that have been around us for the last decade are regaining momentum.This transdisciplinary workshop tries to envision alternatives to under-complex approaches in this entanglement, starting from the premises that we need to think of ’new literacies‘ for the 21st century in a much more comprehensive way: as complex competences for a more and more complex world. Hence, approaching emerging new (media) environments as interdependent creative, discursive, social, political and epistemic ecologies and practices, participants will think through pressing issues alongside four possible research aspects on new literacies:

  • learning through engagement,
  • political education digital societies,
  • sustainability and eco-literacy citizenship,
  • participation and empowerment complex epistemic ecologies and knowledge environments

This workshop is meant as a first, preparatory exchange, set up as a moderated conversation, comprising short key impulses in the plenary followed by focused discussions in breakout rooms.




Art des Termins

  • Workshop / Seminar


  • Online