Can anyone build a MOOC?

Muss es zwangsläufig teuer sein, MOOCs zu produzieren? Und mit welchen technischen und organisatorischen Kniffen lässt sich der Aufwand reduzieren? Um diese Fragen rankt sich das englischsprachige Webinar des Erasmus+-Projekts LoCoMoTion am Mittwoch 9. März 2016, Beginn 14:00 MEZ (13:00 GMT).

09.03.2016, 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr

Aus der Ankündigung:

"For the next few webinars we are handing over this series to the Erasmus+ funded LoCoMoTion Project on "Low-cost MOOC production". This particular webinar, called "Can anyone build a MOOC?" is both an introduction to the forthcoming MOOC "Making a MOOC on a Budget" (starting May 17th, 2016) and the project's contribution to Open Education Week , where we will be asking the audience if it is really necessary to spend large sums of money to create effective open online courses. The webinar will consist of a number of very short presentations from the team on the basic concept and some of the techniques being recommended, and the opportunity for the audience to respond with questions and feedback."

Wednesday, 9 March 2016 from 13:00 to 14:00 (GMT)


Art des Termins

  • Weiterbildungsveranstaltung


  • Online