The Future of Education
Die internationale Konferenz The Future of Education findet mittlerweile zum 9. Mal statt. Sie fördert die länderübergreifende Kooperation in dem Themenfeld Innnovationen in der Bildung. Die Teilnehmenden haben die Möglichkeit Experten aus aller Welt zu diesem Themenbereich zu hören.
27.06.2019 - 28.06.2019
The event offers the opportunity to interact with experts in the field of Education from all around the world. The conference promotes transnational cooperation and shares good practice in the field of innovation for Education.
Teachers, researchers, practitioners and project managers from all over the world are invited to take part in the Conference.
The topics in the The Future of Education Conference 2019 include among others (but are not confined):
- E-Learning
- Education and New Technologies
- Education and Special Needs
- Innovative Teaching and Learning Methodologies
- Learning Games and Media
- Science Education
- Strategies for Effective Teaching
- Studies on Education
- Teachers Professional Development
The conference programme will be available by the end of May.
Telefon: +39 055 48 97 00
Art des Termins
- Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium
- Präsenzveranstaltung