Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2012

For the world of higher education, learning analytics is gaining increasing momentum for its capacity to respond to and inform the dynamic and complex landscape that is 21st century education and learning. Learning analytics has a vast potential to address the many current concerns in higher education surrounding learning and the educational experience – such as lead indicators and predictive models for identifying students requiring additional learning support, reducing student attrition, measuring student graduate attributes, and developing scalable methods for enhancing teaching practice. Learning analytics capitalizes on the data intensive, technological base that supports contemporary formal and informal learning to extend capacity and understanding of learning processes in contemporary environments. It is of little surprise that the field of learning analytics is a rapidly expanding area of research and practice, drawing the attention of governments, foundations, and academics. The Second International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge provides the opportunity to consider these opportunities and challenges and the role learning analytics can play in both applied and theoretical contexts.

29.04.2012, 04:00 Uhr - 02.05.2012, 04:00 Uhr

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