International seminar on Higher Education Rankings and e-learning

Zum ersten Mal findet in diesem Jahr das "International seminar on Higher Education Rankings and e-learning" in Barcelona statt. Vom 22. bis 23. September treffen sich Universitäts-Akteure der ganzen Welt, Entscheidungsträger, Expert/-innen aus dem Bildungsbereich und Interessierte zum Austausch und der Diksussion über folgende Entwicklungen: University rankings have been around for at least a couple of decades now. Higher education performance evaluation tools have since proliferated, both at the regional and international level. Rankings have so far not kept abreast of the profound changes in higher education brought about by the opportunities offered by the ICTs, and have not – with counted exceptions – included online education in their studies. Today most universities have, to varying degrees, adopted the Internet as a delivery mode to complement their traditional teaching. Are rankings likely to focus on eLearning in the near future? If so, what parameters will be employed and who will be defining those? What impact will they have on online education? If not, are present rankings of any use to online education institutions for benchmarking purposes? Bei Registrierung bis zum 31. Juli 2011 beträgt die Teilnahmegebühr 300 EUR, danach 350 EUR.

22.09.2011, 12:00 Uhr - 23.09.2011, 17:00 Uhr



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Art des Termins

  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Präsenzveranstaltung