EFQUEL Innovation Forum 2011

Vom 14. bis zum 16. September findet zum 6. Mal das EFQUEL Innovation Forum statt, dieses Jahr in Oeiras/Portugal. Unter dem Motto „Certify the future..?! - Accreditation, Certification and Internationalisation“ werden die Teilnehmenden über die Bewertung von Zertifikaten debattieren, Good Practices untersuchen um abschließend Ideen zu entwickeln, wie Zertifikate als zukünftige Instrumente in der Lehre sinnvoll eingesetzt werden können. Aus dem Original-Text: The influence of Europeanization and internationalization is not just a move towards internationalizing educational offerings but also towards internationalizing certifications and recognition of degrees. As accreditation and certification become increasingly important in all educational sectors, they are changing. Having played their role as guards to make education and training failsafe in the past, we can see that accreditation and certification of education and training are increasingly striving to recognize educational organisations’ achievements as incentives to turn towards innovation and excellence. How will the certification look in 2025 or even in 2050? The sixth EFQUEL Innovation Forum will discuss these questions and invites your participation!

14.09.2011, 13:00 Uhr - 16.09.2011, 21:00 Uhr

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Art des Termins

  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Präsenzveranstaltung