E-Learning-Day 2016

Bereits zum dritten Mal lädt die Hochschule Flensburg zu diesem E-Learning Day (ELDFUAS) ein, auf der Poster und Videos präsentiert werden können. Die Veranstalter bitten um eine Anmeldung zu dieser kostenlosen Veranstaltung.

13.10.2016, 10:00 - 16:30 Uhr

Aus dem Ausschreibungstext:

"It’s time for ELDFUAS again!

As in 2013 and 2015, we would like to invite you to our E-Learning Day of the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences 2016 #eldfuas2016.

The format will still be similar to that of a barcamp and the cakes will still be home-made (by us, you and other participants).

The programme for our exchange and the discussions will be decided on and provided by the participants (i.e. YOU – no lengthy presentations, please). This time, the poster session is extended due to popular demand. Since we will cross the border to Denmark again, we will have two parallel tracks, one in German and one in English (no tricks this time, promised).

When: 13 October 2016, 10.00 am – 4.30 pm

Where: Flensburg University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Flensburg), building H (H-Gebäude), Rooms H130&H132, Kanzleistr. 91-93, 24943 Flensburg, Germany (download of campus plan)

Programme and documentation: You find information on the programme of the day and the documentation of the event in the programme.

Sounds interesting? Use our registration form to register. The number of participants is limited to forty."


Art des Termins

  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Präsenzveranstaltung