
For the 21st annual conference of the Association for Learning Technology the organisation team will bring together evidence, theory, success stories and critical thinking from across education around five key themes: * Predicting Giants: What are our now and forthcoming big questions, big challenges, and big changes? *Learning to ride: We do not learn on giants but are looking for examples from schools, colleges, universities and other education providers where collaboration and knowledge exchange are successfully used to innovate and educate. In some cases the learning may involve falling off and getting wet. * Evidence on board: How do we move on from being a (virtually) lone rider? Collaborating and collecting evidence at scale (within or between institutions), analysing it and critically assessing the analysis are needed in order to fill the largely missing middle between (research) experiments and full scale deployment. * Staying up, mobile and personal: Learning and Learner Technology have the potential to engage, enable and disrupt. How is digital technology changing the journey and what coping strategies do we have? * All agog: Results that show that we can ride large waves and possibly giants: emerging technology and teaching practice in significant action. * More details will appear here as they become available.

01.09.2014, 16:20 Uhr - 03.09.2014, 16:20 Uhr

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  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Präsenzveranstaltung