International Conference on Infrastructures and Cooperation in e-Science and e-Humanities

The International Conference on Infrastructures and Cooperation in e-Science and e-Humanities invites submissions that address current questions and solutions related to technologies or applications as well as their implications on the conduct of science. It aims at investigating digitally enhanced academic activities from a technological as well as social scientific perspective. Relevant topics and questions include, but are not limited to the following fields: Invention, design and implementation of information and communication technologies to enable, enhance or empower academic activities (field 1); Analysis of academic processes, business models, and needs (field 2); Social and cultural influences and outcomes related to the use of technology in academic activities (field 3).

05.06.2014, 04:00 Uhr - 06.06.2014, 04:00 Uhr


Dr. Steffen Albrecht, Sabrina Herbst
Telefon: 0351/463-37918

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Art des Termins

  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Präsenzveranstaltung