GADEMAVO webinar

GADEMAVO is an online serious game template dedicated to problem solving and decision-making, adaptable to various learning contexts. It enables professors without programming skills to generate a serious game related to their own professional and teaching context. GADEMAVO allows students to be confronted with practical cases in the professional context for which they are training. It is aimed at HES students and targets at making them develop the ability to solve problems and taking the right decisions in a context which refers to their future professional insertion. A case study is submitted to the student by means of numerous multimedia resources and varied mechanisms to give him food for thought on a particular problem, providing him with different game options (scoring points, objects, etc.). Among various new orientations offered by e-learning, serious gaming proposes an interesting teaching approach when addressing "digital natives" students. The game comes as a complement to other class teaching activities and does NOT aim at replacing a regular course. In context of blended learning, using a game contributes in calling up the student and helps him resume his learning efforts at home. This webinar will provide an introduction to GADEMAVO. A demo of the game and the administration tool will be both presented. Through this demo the presenters will explain how the game works and how to customize a game case.

10.10.2013, 15:00 - 16:00 Uhr


Nathalie Roth
Telefon: +41 44 268 15 67

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  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Präsenzveranstaltung