EDEN Workshop 2014

As a founding member of EDEN the Open University is pleased to be hosting and sponsoring EDENRW8, Eighth Research Workshop organised in collaboration with the Open University, United Kingdom, which will be held in Oxford on 27-28 October 2014 ('zero day' 26 October). This year's Workshop Scope reflects upon the current challenges facing researchers and the intersection of their work with ‘doing better things’ for key stakeholders. This includes informal learners, formal learners, teacher, leaders, funders and policy makers especially where new learning technologies play an important role. The format of the event is key. This is not your usual conference program and definitely a workshop format. EDENRW8 is suitable for researchers and postgraduate students and particularly those wishing to actively connect with peers and debate Challenges for research into Open & Distance Learning: Doing Things Better: Doing Better Things. Deadline for Paper Submission: 1 September 2014.

27.10.2014, 02:00 Uhr - 28.10.2014, 02:00 Uhr


E-Mail: research-oxford@eden-online.org

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Art des Termins

  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Präsenzveranstaltung