Agbelekawe 2010

It has become evident that the regular educational system is not capable of eradicating mass illiteracy on the continent of Africa and other developing nations. Therefore, the major vehicle to achieve mass literacy in line with the United Nations focus is affordable, quality, open and distance education for all. This 21st century initiative calls for continuous and constant examination of reforms and quality assurance/control to attain appreciable level, bearing in mind attendant challenges and peculiarities of African countries. Against this background, the Distance Learning Centre of the University of Ibadan hereby announces the International Conference on Open Distance Learning to enable researchers, practitioners and other stakeholders from all over Africa and the world at large to come together to share their experiences and exchange ideas for taking education to greater heights. The conference is also aimed at capacity building of individuals involved with Open Distance Education in Africa. The Call for Papers is now open!

07.09.2010, 04:00 Uhr - 11.09.2010, 04:00 Uhr

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Art des Termins

  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Präsenzveranstaltung