Online-Hackathon - #SemesterHack 2.0

Nach dem bundesweiten Online-Hackathon zur digitalen Hochschulbildung im Mai 2020 veranstaltet das Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) und dem KI-Campus einen weiteren Hackathon unter dem Titel „#SemesterHack 2.0 - Let's hack the digital winter semester together!“ Neben Akteurinnen und Akteuren aus dem Bereich der Hochschullehre in Deutschland sind diesmal auch internationale Gäste eingeladen.

12.11.2020 - 13.11.2020

This November, #SemesterHack 2.0 will join forces with the global idea hackathon DigiEduHack, bringing its successful pilot online hackathon to the next level and onto the international arena. Organised by HFD, AI Campus and DAAD, #SemesterHack 2.0 brings together a diverse coalition of stakeholders from across Germany and beyond, all united in their goal to effect long-lasting change in digital higher education in Germany. The hackathon is to take place on 12 and 13 November and is one of over 60 teams from around the world who will take part in DigiEduHack. The winning teams will share funding totalling at least 150,000 EUR.

About #SemesterHack 2.0

#SemesterHack 2.0 aims to shed light on the urgent challenges facing German academia in times of Corona and find solutions in the form of new ideas, tools and hands-on concepts. It creates an ecosystem for exchange between higher education institutions, driven by the basic principle of openness. Its work is guided by three core principles: collaboration, user-driven innovation and co-creation.

With its intentionally broad scope, the project will foster a community for digital education that can drive change for years to come, hopefully becoming a permanent fixture of the digital educational landscape in Germany and around the world.

Registration and Topics

Participants are invited to register here and submit their ideas until 9 November 2020 12pm on the following topics:

  • Digital Teaching: qualification, realization, digital assessments and more
  • Collaborative work and practical projects
  • Virtual mobility and digital internationalization
  • Digital campus life: peer support, student participation, student advisory services and more
  • Educational equity and accessibility
  • Digital tools and data protection
  • AI in higher education
  • Digitally enhanced research
  • Digital knowledge and literature supply


Art des Termins

  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Online