Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2017

Die diesjährige OOFHEC2017-Konferenz in Milton Keynes widmet sich dem Schwerpunkt „Higher Education for the future: accelerating and strengthening innovation“. Neben Open Educational Resources und E-Learning, werden auch aktuelle Entwicklungsstrategien im Hinblick auf Pädagogik und Forschung auf der Tagung behandelt.

25.10.2017 - 27.10.2017

Over the past years, universities have intensified a deeper transformation of teaching and learning in higher education, based on e-learning and online education. New modes of teaching and learning create new opportunities for enhancing the quality of the learning experience for on campus students, for reaching out to new target groups off campus and for offering freely accessible open education through the internet (OERs, MOOCs). They support the quality, visibility and reputation of the institution. Hosted by The Open University in Milton Keynes, "The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference" (OOFHEC2017) will take place in October 2017. The event that is organised by the European Association of Distance and Teaching Universities (EADTU) will treat the issue "Higher education for the future: accelerating and strengthening innovation".
The theme is addressed by eight subtopics:

  • Strategies for the future of continuous professional development: National and institutional policies in the changing pedagogical landscape, Flexible continuing education (incl.CPD) and new types of courses (short learning programmes) to accommodate 25+ students, Modular education and short learning programmes, University-business collaboration
  • Open education and widening participation:OERs and MOOCs, Equal opportunities, Adaptive learning
  • Research and innovation for new modes of teaching and learning: Online and blended course design, Learning analytics and learning technologies, Assessment, Virtual laboratories
  • HE for a divers future: Social inclusion, Higher education for minorities (refugees, migrants), Multi-cultural education
  • Engaging students for learning at all stages of life: Retention issues
  • Policies for change in Higher Education: Empowering universities for excellence in higher education and improving the quality of higher education, The modernisation agenda for European universities: education for innovation and entrepreneurship/intrapreneurship, Internationalisation (Networked curricula and virtual mobility), Leadership in change
  • Quality assurance and accreditation of online and blended higher education: Recognition


Further information, as well as the application form, are available on the conference website of the European Association of Distance and Teaching Universities.


Ms. Anouk Lennaerts

Weitere Informationen


Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist in der Regel kostenpflichtig.

The complete composition of attendance costs is provided on the conference website.


Art des Termins

  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Präsenzveranstaltung