Online Educa Berlin 2024

Die Online Educa Berlin (OEB) findet in diesem Jahr bereits zum 30. Mal statt. Im Rahmen der zweitägigen Veranstaltung haben die Teilnehmenden die Möglichkeit, sich über die neuesten Innovationen und Erkenntnisse , die die Zukunft des digitalen Lernens prägen, zu informieren. Die Anmeldung ist kostenpflichtig und erfolgt über die Veranstaltungswebseite. Die Veranstaltung ist englischsprachig.

27.11.2024, 09:00 Uhr - 29.11.2024, 10:00 Uhr

OEB 2024 is the global, cross-sector conference on technology-supported learning and training. Each year, OEB facilitates dialogue and collaboration between high-level decision-makers from the education, business, and government sectors, pushing the boundaries of EdTech and learning technology. Over the course of this two-day event, attendees will encounter the latest innovations and insights that are shaping the future of digital learning.

OEB 2024 offers a platform for anyone seeking to harness the potential of new technologies, develop pivotal policies, or drive forward the conversation about the digital revolution in education.

In an era defined by climate change, global conflicts, and democracies under pressure, the roles of learning and education are increasingly vital. Education, historically a foundation of hope and progress, now faces the challenge of staying relevant and effective in a rapidly changing world. This situation highlights the urgency for a significant shift in the approach to learning, moving towards an anti-fragile mindset where professionals not only withstand but also grow stronger from the challenges and changes of today.

Eleven inter-related subthemes with questions and topics that will be explored at the conference are set out below. By bringing together representatives from the education, workplace learning and governmental sectors, these critical issues and the opportunities and challenges facing the field of learning in the current global environment will be examined.


  • Foundation and future of digital learning
  • AI integration and emerging technologies
  • Data-driven decision making
  • Learner-centric approaches and innovations
  • Empowering professional growth and organisational success
  • Credentialing, assessment and recognition of learning
  • Open, sustainable and inclusive education
  • Arts and humanities in a tech-driven world
  • Ethics, policy, and the socio-economic impact of EdTech
  • Educational alliances for workforce evolution and global engagement
  • Antifragility in action: building resilience and adapting to change

Weitere Informationen


Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist in der Regel kostenpflichtig.


Art des Termins

  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Präsenzveranstaltung