European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)

Die ECGBL fand vor 12 Jahren zum ersten Mal statt. Sie bietet Interessierten sowie Fachleuten spannende Aspekte im Themenfeld Game Based Learning. In diesem Jahr wird es am 2. Oktober einen Pre-Workshop geben, in dem in Kleingruppen ein Protoyp eines Spiels innerhalb eines Tages geschaffen wird.

03.10.2019 - 04.10.2019

The European Conference on Games Based Learning was established 12 years ago. It has been held in Austria, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Norway and France to mention only some of the countries that have hosted it. ECGBL attracts an interesting combination of academic scholars, practitioners, game designers and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of games-based learning and serious games. Among other journals, the Electronic Journal of e-Learning publishes a special edition of the best papers presented at this conference.

The outline programme is already online. A more detailed programme can be viewed by clicking on the link. It is important to note that travel arrangements should not be made based on the presentation slot shown in any preliminary programme.

Pre Conference Workshop: 2 October 2019
This year at ECGBL we will be running an interactive Educational Games Development Workshop, where the plan will be to make a game in a day! They will use the Game of Games, developed at the University of Twente to guide this Game Development Workshop. This event will ask participants to work in groups to come up with a pre-prototype design for an educational game – the specification of which will be provided by the organisers.
The workshop will start with a value proposition game leading to bright ideas that will be developed during the day. To focus the ideas the participants will work with a general theme (to be announced). By the end of the session everybody will have created working prototypes that can be demonstrated during the conference. In the early afternoon they will be tested on fun, flow and feedback mechanisms.
The workshop is open to anyone to attend with any level of experience and we expect to have a multi-national group. Numbers will be limited so early registration is recommended. Participants should bring a laptop or tablet with them. No prior experience is required because we aim to have multi-disciplinary groups.

The ECGBL Registration Fee quoted below includes:

  • Complimentary drink at the pre-Conference registration
  • Entrance to all sessions of the Conference
  • Refreshments and lunch on both days of the Conference
  • A place at the Conference dinner
  • An electronic copy of the Conference proceedings
  • Associated Conference materials.

Earlybird fees must reach the organizers no later than 25th July 2019.
To ensure publication of papers, author payments must reach the organizers no later than 29th August 2019.
Registrations can still be made after this date.


Telefon: +44 (0)118 9724148


Art des Termins

  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Präsenzveranstaltung