Fernuni der Niederlande schreibt Stellen zu Open Education aus
10.07.2015 | StellenausschreibungDrei Stellenausschreibungen der Open University of the Netherlands sind kürzlich veröffentlicht worden. Es handelt sich um eine Post-Doc und zwei PhD-Positionen im Bereich Open Education.
Aus dem Ausschreibungstext:
"The positions are located in the south of the Netherlands at the main location of the Open University in Heerlen. Depending on performance and attitude, flexible work organisation is possible.
PhD position "PhD Candidate Quality of Open Education" (100%)
Further details: job description 1.
PhD position "PhD Candidate Long-term Engagement in Open Education" (100%)
Further details: job description 2.
Post-Doc position "Strategic and Design Decisions in Open Education" (75-100%)
Further details: job description 3.
Contact: For more information about this vacancy you can contact associate professor dr. Christian M. Stracke, Chair for Open Education and Innovation, e-mail: Christian.Stracke@ou.nl (on vacation from 18th of July until 7th of August 2015).
For additional information about the Open Universiteit and the Welten Institute, you can visit the websites www.ou.nl and www.ou.nl/psychologie."