Call for Papers: Communicating the Past in the Digital Age
23.05.2018 | VeranstaltungshinweisEs wird um Beiträge für das am 12. und 13. Oktober stattfindende zweitägige internationale Symposium an der Universität Köln zum Thema "Digitale Methoden für Lehrende und Lernende in der Archäologie" gebeten. Ziel des Symposiums ist es Wissenschaftler/innen zusammenzubringen, die digitale Tools und Methoden nutzen und entwickeln, um die Archäologie Studenten, Kollegen sowie der Öffentlichkeit näherzubringen.
The two-day international symposium with the topic "Digital methods for teaching and learning in Archaeology" will take place on the 12-13th of October 2018 at the University of Cologne. It aims to bring together scholars that use and develop digital tools and methods for communicating archaeological information to students, peers and the public.
Over the last decades digital methods have increasingly pervaded every aspect of archaeological knowledge production, from data collection, analysis and interpretation to the dissemination of archaeological information to scholars and the public. University courses on 3D modelling, computer simulation, or Serious Games (to name just a few), which until a few years ago were considered niche, are gradually included in a growing number of undergraduate and postgraduate archaeology curricula. At the same time, as 3D and interactive technologies are becoming more and more affordable, a proliferation of digital tools, ranging from Virtual and Augmented Reality applications and Interactive Displays to mobile apps, have been made available for the communication of the past in museums and via the Internet.
This workshop aims to encourage discussion on the potential, problems and challenges of using digital methods for teaching and learning in archaeology. In what ways new technologies facilitate, enhance or disrupt the learning process? How could 3D, interactive and multi-sensory applications be best used to encourage novel and creative approaches to the interpretation of material culture in and out of the classroom? How could we best tap the added value and communicative potential of digital tools for teaching and learning?
Possible topics may include, but are by no means limited to:
- Sensory Archaeology
- Virtual Environments
- Simulations (Auditory, Visual, etc.)
- (Re)constructions of ancient space
- Reproduction for tactile experiences/Rapid prototyping
- Serious Games/Archaeogaming/Gamification
- Museum displays and communication
- Mobile apps and online platforms
- Evaluation and impact assessment
This meeting is financially supported by a grant from the Stifterverband and the ministry of culture and science of North Rhine-Westphalia. Travel expenses for those presenting a paper at the symposium will normally be covered. Prospective participants should submit a 500-word abstract in English including title, author name(s), affiliation(s), email, place of residence (for calculating travel expenses) and 3 – 5 keywords. The deadline for submissions is the 30th of June 2018.