Call for Papers: Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung

16.09.2019 | Call for Papers/Participation

Das International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI) beschäftigt sich in einem Special Issue mit der aktuellen Forschung zu künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in der Bildung. Hierfür werden noch Beiträge gesucht, die sich mit der theoretischen Diskussion des Themas, empirischen Studien oder entwickelten Anwendungen und Systemen zu KI befassen. Abstracts können noch bis 10. Dezember 2019 eingereicht werden.

Due to recent technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) has received increased attention and has been adopted to many sectors and fields, thus, producing a profound impact. Although the application of AI in the educational sector has been the subject of research for more than 30 years, a renewed and enforced interest in AI in education can be documented through the themes of scientific conferences, workshops and research papers, as well as how the Edtech industry is increasing efforts to integrate AI in educational applications. Indeed, this development is not unexpected considering that AI is associated with potentials of more personalized, adaptive and inclusive learning, and with empowered teachers and advanced learning environments. 

This Special Issue aims at highlighting contemporary research that covers AI in education and provide readers with a better understanding of the theoretical discussions that are currently taking place, the empirical studies that are conducted, and the AI applications and systems that are developed.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Adaptive and intelligent learning systems
  • Natural language processing applications in education
  • Assessment and testing of learning outcomes using AI
  • Intelligent training systems
  • Student modelling and cognitive diagnosis using AI
  • Deep learning application in education
  • Ethical perspectives on AI in education

Instructions for authors

Manuscripts must be written in English. Submitted contributions undergo a double-blind review and will be published open access. In order to make this possible, please submit an anonymized file without the authors' names and a non-blinded version with author names and affiliations. More information for authors is available at:

Submission of full paper: December 10, 2019


Bildquelle Facebook: Pixabay, Lizenz

Gepostet von: njohn
Kategorie: Call for Papers/Participation