Call for Papers: Internationale Konferenz "Social Media & Society" in Toronto

02.02.2015 | Veranstaltungshinweis, Ausschreibung

Auf der jährlich stattfindenden SM&S treffen sich die führenden Social-Media-Wissenschaftler aus aller Welt. Dieses Jahr findet die Konferenz zum sechsten Mal vom 27. bis 29. Juli 2015 in Kanada statt. Zur Einreichung von vielfältigen Beiträgen wird derzeit aufgerufen.


Aus dem Ausschreibungstext:

"Academic research on social media is growing exponentially across various disciplines including: Communications, Information / Library Science, Computer Science, Business, Sociology, Education, Psychology, Health and others. The Web of Science alone indexed nearly 5,000 journal and conference publications over the last decade. This growing body of research revealed many interesting factors about social media platforms, their users, and a glimpse of our society at large. But are we any closer to understanding the broader implications of social media on our increasing networked society?

The 2015 Social Media & Society Conference (#SMSociety15) invites scholarly and original submissions that build on the previous work and critically evaluate the role of social media for social and political change, community engagement, marketing, new forms of governance, support of individuals and organizations in domains such as business, information, management, public administration, academia, health, and journalism (just to mention a few). We are also calling for submissions that develop and apply novel methods and theories to collect, analyze, and visualize social media data as well as those that discuss ethical and privacy implications of using big and small data. We welcome both quantitative and qualitative work in the broad area of Social Media & Society that crosses interdisciplinary boundaries and expands our understanding of the current and future trends in social media.

Whether you are just starting a new research project or ready to report on the final results, you will find that #SMSociety15 is a great venue for you! The 2015 conference invites a wide range of submissions:

  • short papers on completed or well-developed projects (Due: March 2, 2015)
  • work-in-progress paper abstracts (Due: April 10, 2015)
  • panel discussions (Due: March 2, 2015)
  • poster presentations (Due: May 1, 2015).

New to this year, we are also calling for proposals to host half-day workshops (Due: February 2, 2015) on a well-defined area or technical tutorials that will examine a particular method or tool for the analysis of social media data in more detail."

Weitere Details entnehmen Sie bitte dem offiziellen Call for Papers.

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Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Veranstaltungshinweis Ausschreibung