Konferenzankündigung: ALT-C 2015 in Manchester
21.01.2015 | Veranstaltungshinweis, AusschreibungVom 8. bis 10. September 2015 findet die Konferenz der "Association for Learning Technology" (ALT) an der Universität in Manchester statt. Das Motto der diesjährigen Veranstaltung lautet "Shaping the Future of Learning Together".
Aus dem Ankündigungstext:
"As the leading Learning Technology conference in the UK, the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) annual conference brings together practitioners, researchers and policy makers from across education to share their research and experience.
The 2015 conference will be chaired by Amanda Jefferies, University of Hertfordshire and Liz Masterman, University of Oxford, under the theme ‘Shaping the Future of Learning Together #altc’. The programme will reflect the theme of shaping and sharing learning through breaking down the traditional divisions between stakeholders and between their roles, with a focus on:
- Harnessing the power of the crowd – collaboration and connectivist learning
- Social media in learning and teaching
- Open educational practice
- Learners as agents of change
- Participatory approaches to the development of learning technologies"
Wichtige Daten:
- Beteiligung am Programmkomitee: Januar 2015
- Einreichungsfrist für Proposals: Februar 2015
- Aussteller oder Sponsoren: März 2015
- Registrierung: Mai 2015
Weitere Details entnehmen Sie bitte der ALT-C Tagungshomepage.
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