Stellenausschreibung: W3-Professur an der TUM School of Education, München

29.08.2014 | Stellenausschreibung

Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt ist die Stelle im Bereich Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien neu zu besetzen. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 3. Oktober 2014.


Aus dem Ausschreibungstext:

Full Professorship ‘Teaching and Learning with Digital Media’

Digital media open up an exciting range of new possibilities to enhance instruction, reach special audiences and make targeted improvements to the quality of learning. As such, this professorship holds key significance within the scope of TUM’s digitalization strategy, in which teaching and learning with digital media plays a central role, not only within the field of secondary education and teacher training but in higher education and continued study, as well. In the area of research, the professorship will contribute solid knowledge of teaching/learning arrangements and how to effectively structure them. This professorship is to support the development of innovative teaching concepts using digital media at TUM. In teaching, the successful candidate will support students in teacher training programs in the use of digital media for instruction.

We are looking for a scholar of distinction with a high international reputation in teaching and learning with digital media. Applicants must demonstrate pertinent, internationally recognized contributions to research on the prerequisites for and possibilities of teaching and learning with digital media. Experience in the conceptual development and implementation of digital learning and teaching environments, preferably in an interdisciplinary context, is desired. Candidates should have successfully acquired third-party funding in this field. [...]

Teaching assignments include courses in the subject area and the basic courses offered by the department as well as courses for other academic TUM departments.

Prerequisites for this position are a university degree, a doctoral degree, teaching skills at university level, and additional academic achievements (according to Art. 7 and Art. 10 III BayHSchPG). Candidates for this position should be aged 51 or under at the time of appointment; exceptions to this rule might be possible. The ability to teach in English is a prerequisite for TUM Professors. [...]”

Bewerbungsfrist: Fr., 03.10.2014


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Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Stellenausschreibung