Neue Ausgabe der eLearning Papers thematisiert Lernen in physisch-digitalen Welten
14.07.2014 | KurzmeldungDas Portal Open Education Europa hat die 39. Ausgabe der eLearning Papers veröffentlicht. Darin wird das Lernen an der Grenze zwischen physischen und digitalen Welten thematisiert. Der Call für die kommende Ausgabe "Learning Analytics" läuft noch bis zum 27. Juli 2014.
"This newest issue of eLearning Papers features a collection of articles that examine the new teaching and learning approaches that are emerging from the overlap between digital and physical worlds. The contributing authors each present research on the educational opportunities that arise with the merging of digital and physical spaces. Such opportunities stem from innovations such as virtual reality hardware, augmented reality, and the use of personal devices in the educational context.
The issue includes the following In-depth articles:
- Challenges from implementing blended learning in a 3D multiuser virtual environment
- The Maker Movement. Implications of new digital gadgets, fabrication tools and spaces for creative learning and teaching
- Using augmented reality for the reformation of learners’ misconceptions in science education
It also includes three articles From the field:
- E-learning meets game-based learning (GBL) – transfer of GBL research results in the e-learning project management course
- Facilitators as co-learners in a collaborative open course for teachers and students in higher education
- Gamification and working life cooperation in an e-learning environment"
Alle Artikel können ab sofort auf der Webseite von Open Education Europa gelesen werden.
Für die kommende Ausgabe zum Thema "Learning Analytics" können noch Beiträge eingereicht werden. Die Einsendefrist endet am 27. Juli 2014.