Call eLearningpapers: MOOCs and Beyond

07.03.2013 | Ausschreibung

MOOCs sind in aller Munde. Nun sollen Sie auch in einer Ausgabe der eLearning Papers zum Thema werden. Einreichungsfrist ist am 25. März 2013.

Aus dem Call:

This special issue of eLearning Papers seeks to generate debate and bring together critical voices to discuss this emerging research area. Contributions to both the In-depth and From the field sections are invited to submit theoretical or empirical research, in particular regarding the following topics:

  • Experiences speaking to the design, implementation or assessment of a MOOC.
  • Empirical evaluation of MOOCs.
  • The impact of MOOCs within Higher Education.
  • Learning analytics and MOOCs.
  • Peer-to-peer learning and MOOCs.
  • Analyses of the impact and reach of MOOCs – considering course completion, global recognition.
  • Challenging the MOOC concept: how “massive” is massive, how “open” is open?
  • Possible MOOC off-line elements. Should we be talking about MOOLEs (Massive Open Online Learning Environments) and MOOLCs (Massive Open Online Learning Communities) instead?
  • Design patterns and principles of MOOCs.

Deadline für Einreichungen ist am 25. März 2013.
Die Ausgabe wird voraussichtlich Ende April erscheinen. 

Weitere Informationen im Call for Papers.

Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Ausschreibung