Call for Papers: Interaction in Massive Courses
06.02.2013 | AusschreibungBeiträge für das "Journal of Universal Computer Science" können bis 9. Juni 2013 eingereicht werden
Eine für 2014 geplante Ausgabe des J.UCS (Journal of Universal Computer Science) wird sich mit dem Thema Interaction in Massive Courses beschäftigen. Hierfür rufen die Herausgeber zur Einreichung von wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen auf, die bis 9. Juni 2013 entgegengenommen werden.
Aus dem Call:
"The Special Issue aims to gather research works in the field of massive courses with a special focus on enhancing interaction between lecturers-students or students-student in face-to-face situations or completely online by using different kind of technologies (MOOC). For example, some few information systems created some years ago, summarized by the term Audience Response Systems (ARS). Here students are able to make votes on lecturers’ questions by using mostly special hardware (Anderson et al, 2003).
Other possibilities are the use of Web 2.0 technologies (Purgathofer & Reinhard, 2008) or Social Media (Ebner, 2011) to enhance students’ engagement in live-lecturing-situations. In the last years, the above-mentioned MOOCs attracted the interest of thousands of students. Obviously this leads to new challenges on how to overcome the management of a huge number of occurring interactions and makes new strategies necessary.
Assuming that rich interactions in large groups of learners are even more critical in the development of academia this Special Issue of the Journal of Universal Computer Science is dedicated to research on media fostering interaction in massive courses."
Den ausführlichen Call for Papers finden Sie hier als PDF.