Call for Papers: Mobile Learning and Creativity Workshop (MLCW12) at EC-TEL Conference 2012
31.05.2012 | VeranstaltungshinweisMobile Learning and Creativity Workshop (MLCW12) auf der siebten 'European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL)' vom 18. - 21.09.2012 in Saarbrücken. Einreichung von abstracts noch bis 16.07.2012 möglich!
Aus dem Call der Veranstalter:
The Mobile Learning and Creativity Workshop (MLCW12) at the seventh European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) is a full-day workshop devoted to sharing and designing innovative approaches and solutions aimed at fostering creative learning with mobile technologies. Students, educators, instructional designers, researchers, practitioners and developers are invited to share and create innovative, creative mobile learning applications and use scenarios utilizing multiple perspectives and collective intelligence of the participants.
Different types of contributions ranging from work in progress, demonstrations and results from research and practice, academia and commerce can be submitted. Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research as extended abstracts (max. 4 pages) by Junly 16th, 2012 via the EasyChair conference system.
Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier sowie auf der Konferenz-Homepage.