Call: Special Issue IRRODL 2012
19.12.2011 | AusschreibungCall für die IRRODL-Ausgabe zum Thema "Technology Enhanced Information Retrieval for Online Learning".
Die Online-Zeitschrift "International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning" ruft in einem Call zu einer Beteiligung an der Ausgabe zum Thema "Technology Enhanced Information Retrieval for Online Learning" auf. Es geht dabei um die Ausewertung von Daten, die während des elektronisch unterstützten Lernprozesses anfallen - natürlich um damit in Zukunft die Lerner noch besser unterstützen zu können.
Aus dem Call:
"Online learning has been developed for over decades and has become an important tool for education. Many tutors design web-based teaching materials and share them in the learning management systems. Learners develop knowledge from those materials, tutor supports, and the collaborations with other learners in distance in the online learning environment and platforms. While information technology changes rapidly and the variety of online learning activities increase, especially with the aid of social network and Web 2.0 tools that are available to instruction designers, we may need to consider how to provide learners personalized pedagogical service which can help them learn more efficiently. In order to have such personalized service, both course contents and learner's characteristics need to be well analyzed.
How to retrieve useful information from learning materials, data stored in the learning management systems, and discussions and interactions among learners and how to design and use information retrieval technologies to improve learner's online learning performance become interesting and important topics.
The purpose of this special issue is to explore how models, theories, and solutions of information retrieval and content analysis can be used in online learning and what benefits users can receive from such systems and agents.
Guest Editors (in alphabet order): Dr. Maiga Chang, Dr. Rita Kuo, Dr. Gene Loeb and Dr. Bolanle Olaniran
Hier die Liste der Themenfelder, die im Beitrag behandelt werden können:
Einreichungen bitte über die Webseite von IRRODL (http://www.irrodl,org). Bitte registrieren Sie sich zuvor als Autor/in; ebenso wird begrüßt, wenn man sich gleichzeitig bereit erklärt als Reviewer tätig zu werden.
Hier finden Sie die IRRODL research article guidelines.
Den Call finden Sie auch hier auf dem IRRODL-Portal.
Aus dem Call:
"Online learning has been developed for over decades and has become an important tool for education. Many tutors design web-based teaching materials and share them in the learning management systems. Learners develop knowledge from those materials, tutor supports, and the collaborations with other learners in distance in the online learning environment and platforms. While information technology changes rapidly and the variety of online learning activities increase, especially with the aid of social network and Web 2.0 tools that are available to instruction designers, we may need to consider how to provide learners personalized pedagogical service which can help them learn more efficiently. In order to have such personalized service, both course contents and learner's characteristics need to be well analyzed.
How to retrieve useful information from learning materials, data stored in the learning management systems, and discussions and interactions among learners and how to design and use information retrieval technologies to improve learner's online learning performance become interesting and important topics.
The purpose of this special issue is to explore how models, theories, and solutions of information retrieval and content analysis can be used in online learning and what benefits users can receive from such systems and agents.
Guest Editors (in alphabet order): Dr. Maiga Chang, Dr. Rita Kuo, Dr. Gene Loeb and Dr. Bolanle Olaniran
Hier die Liste der Themenfelder, die im Beitrag behandelt werden können:
- Affect sensing from text
- Culture in information retrieving
- Data mining in learning content
- Evaluation models for NLP/IR/IE/Ontology-based research and systems
- Human computer interaction issues and challenges that NLP/IR/IE/Ontology-based solutions for online learning may have
- Individual knowledge acquisition from user behavior analysis
- Information retrieval and extraction algorithms
- Information retrieving and processing computing tools, systems and applications for online learning
- Intelligent tutoring agents/systems based on NLP, Information Retrieval (IR), Information Extraction (IE), and Ontology
- Knowledge navigation in learning content
- Learning content analysis by semantic web technology
- Learning style and learning preferences in data retrieval
- Mobile dissemination and retrieval
- Multi-agent based information processing systems and applications
- Not-so-successful cases and the lessons learnt
- Ontology learning
- Practical experiences in using & deploying NLP/IR/IE/Ontology-based research for online learning
- Questioning and Answering applications and systems
- Social Network Analysis based on Content Analysis of activities happened in Web 2.0 applications
- Social networks and interactions in learning communities
- Successful cases of applying NLP/IR/IE/Ontology-based research to online learning
- Web 2.0, 3.0, X.0
Einreichungen bitte über die Webseite von IRRODL (http://www.irrodl,org). Bitte registrieren Sie sich zuvor als Autor/in; ebenso wird begrüßt, wenn man sich gleichzeitig bereit erklärt als Reviewer tätig zu werden.
Hier finden Sie die IRRODL research article guidelines.
Den Call finden Sie auch hier auf dem IRRODL-Portal.