10th International ILIAS Conference

19.04.2011 | Veranstaltungshinweis

18. - 19.08.2011 University Bern, Switzerland

Quelle: http://www.ilub.unibe.ch/content/kolloquium__konferenzen/

Innovative - Leading - Inspiring - Advanced - Seductive. Welcome to Switzerland. The 2011 ILIAS-conference edition is hosted at the University of Bern. In august, when summer is in the city, we are taking the next steps with ILIAS. Are you ready for the next steps?

Focus 1:Didactical perspectives, Practical examples, Good practice(thursday, 18 August):Didactical Templates, Stimulating learning processes, Documenting learning processes, Live-Online events, Web-Meetings, What you test is what you get, ILIAS International, ILIAS in entrepreneurial contexts.

Focus 2:Discovering ILIAS(friday, 19 August): e-Portfolio, Customizing, E-Assessment, New tools on the block, Developing ILIAS-Plugins, Reporting, Authoring, Collaboration. If you have questions or need more information about the ILIAS conference, please use the contact form below. Your request will be send to the conference team. We hope to answer as soon as possible (http://www.ilias-conference.org/index.php/Contact.html)

Für weitergehende Informationen besuchen Sie bitte:http://www.ilias-conference.org/index.php

Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Veranstaltungshinweis