Call for Papers: Redefining the university

21.01.2011 | Kurzmeldung, Ausschreibung

Das Portal elearningpapers sucht Artikel für den Themenschwerpunkt Redefining the university. Deadline 18.Februar 2011.

April 2011 soll der ThemenschwerpunktRedefining the universitydes Portals Die Deadline für den Call ist der 18.Februar 2011.

Aus dem Call:

Changing schools, universities or the education system as a whole, in order for them to be able to serve their purpose and fulfil their roles in today’s rapidly changing societies, is a highly demanding task. ... The public education system was institutionalised in the 19th Century, refined during the 20th and is now disintegrating. Perhaps the question is when death will arrive to universities, and if schools will survive. We could also reflect on the relationship between the process of redefining education and current changes in modes of communication: are universities and schools a mere product of what is written in books? ... eLearning Papers seeks contributions about ‘Redefining Education’ in both sections: In-Depth and From the Field. These are some of the suggested topics for articles:

  • Redefining teachers’ roles
  • Defining new universities and schools
  • The transformation of Public Education Systems
  • Innovation with new methods, new media
  • Education for a new society
  • Ethics in 21st century schools and universities
  • Education within a new communication framework
  • Isolated schools in a networked world
  • New curriculum or No-curriculum.
  • Evaluating… what? What for?
  • Teachers’ reactions to change
  • Redefining physical space and time (ubiquitous learning)
  • Foresight in education and learning.

Für mehr Informationen zum Call besuchen Sie bitte die Seite

Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Kurzmeldung Ausschreibung