Call for Entries: Campus Technology Innovators 2011
07.01.2011 | AusschreibungEinreichungsfrist: 15. Februar 2011
Campus Technology ist ein monatlich erscheinendes Print-Magazin was sich mit neuen Lehr-/Lern-Technologien in Hochschulen beschäftigt. Für die August-Ausgabe werden innovative Beiträge zu folgenden Themen gesucht:
- Teaching and Learning(including, but not limited to: learning design/instructional design; immersive technologies; social software, Web 2.0; mobile learning; teaching in the smart classroom; collaboration tools; student assessment; student ePortfolios; lecture capture; eLearning)
- Student Systems and Services(including, but not limited to: technology for career services; advising/online advising; technology for housing; physical security and emergency planning; eTextbooks/bookstore; instructional resources and library services; recruitment/eRecruitment)
- Administrative Systems(including, but not limited to: student lifecycle management; admissions; constituent relationship management; retention; ERP; business intelligence; institutional advancement and development; eProcurement; portals)
- Leadership, Governance, and Policy(including, but not limited to: funding/finance; faculty/staff development; CIO leadership and role development; strategic planning; institutional structure/reorganization; program development/innovation leadership; open source/community source leadership; institutional publishing)
- IT Infrastructure and Systems(including, but not limited to: learning management systems; collaboration technologies and environments; learning space design/architecture/smart classrooms; classroom management and control systems; data security and authentication; networking; SaaS and cloud computing; telecommunications; digital repositories/digital libraries; high-performance computing; green technologies; disaster recovery and business continuity; help desk)
- Education Futurists(including, but not limited to: visionary learning technology development; new program development; institutional reformation; trend spotters: technology and society)
Aus dem Original-Text:
We seek exemplary colleges and universities, their visionary technology project leadership, and their innovative vendor partners who have deployed extraordinary campus technology solutions to campus challenges.
Nominate your institution, technology project leader(s), and vendor partner(s) by February 15! The awards are open to both US and international entries, and multiple submissions are welcome.
Winners will be announced on our website on May 15. They will be recognized with a special feature in our August issue and on our website. The Award ceremony will take place at the Campus Technology 2011 conference in Boston from July 25-28, 2011.
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