ICCE 2009: Tagungsband online
07.12.2009 | KurzmeldungDer Tagungsband der ICCE 2009 kann jetzt herunter geladen werden.
Wenige Tage nach Konferenzende können dieProceedings der 17. International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2009(30.11. - 4.12.2009, Hongkong) herunter geladen werden. Das breite Themenspektrum spiegelt sich in den Titeln der Subkonferenzen:
- ICCE Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education / Intelligent Tutoring System(AIED/ITS) and Adaptive Learning
- ICCE Conference on Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and Learning Sciences
- ICCE Conference on Advanced Learning and Performance Technologies, Open Contents, and Standards
- ICCE Conference on Classroom, Ubiquitous, and Mobile Technologies Enhanced Learning (CUMTEL)
- ICCE Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL)
- ICCE Conference on Technology, Pedagogy and Education