EC-TEL 2009 Workshop

15.07.2009 | Veranstaltungshinweis

Das Center for Teaching and Learning der Universität Wien veranstaltet auf der diesjährigen EC-TEL Tagung in Nizza einen Workshop zum IMS Learning Design, einem Standard zur Beschreibung von Lernszenarios per XML und Lehr-/Lernansätzen unter Einsatz von Web 2.0.

Termin: 29.09.2009 oder 30.09.2009 auf der EC-TEL in Nizza.

Einreichungen sind noch bis 31. Juli möglich.

"The workshop will investigate relations between IMS Learning Design (a specification for technology-enhanced learning) and learning/teaching approaches used with Web 2.0 technologies. Specific questions to be discussed are: What learning and teaching methods are used with Web 2.0 and how are they expressed with IMS Learning Design? How could new (and changing) technologies be integrated in standardized units of learning in order to benefit from reusability and interoperability even if there are only a few pre-specified services within IMS Learning Design? Workshop fees are paid by the PROLIX project. Registration deadline is July 31, 2009; please follow instructions at the link."

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Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Veranstaltungshinweis