GUIDE Workshop 2010
07.07.2009 | VeranstaltungshinweisNew challenges for e-learning in cultural, scientific and socio-economic development, 18.-19.03.2010 Università degli Studi "Guglielmo Marconi" Rome/Italy
The workshop themes cover many aspects of distance and lifelong learning, including vocational guidance and professional re-training, the role of instructional technology in scientific subjects implementation and the improvement of teachers and universities capacity building in developing countries.A specific session will be dedicated to the new flexible learning models, like e-learning, blended learning and triple learning. The Web 2.0 generation, mobile learning theories, practices and application together with the design and management of interactive m- environments will be further themes of the debate.
Abstract Submission: October 1st, 2009;
Final Paper Submission: December 3rd, 2009
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