01.12.2008 | Veranstaltungshinweissubmission deadline: 11 December 2008
NEW TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS FOR LEARNING – REVISITED LOGOS Open Conference on strengthening the integration of ICT research effort
In the occasion of the closing of the Sixth Framework Programme funded [] LOGOS project, the coordinator Antenna Hungaria and the European Distance and E-Learning] a conference on 19-20 January 2008, reviewing results of several innovative,learning-oriented research projects.
Various pedagogical and andragogical concepts support individual learning processes in different stages of the human lifetime. This conference aims to explore the innovative solutions for individual learning processes embedded in sound learning theories, focusing on the learner - technology relationship. In order to fertilise research with practice oriented solutions, participants and presenters will be invited to bring forward ideas and solutions that set their colleagues thinking out of the box.
Researchers and practitioners of the field intending to participate on this 2 days event are invited to send half to one page of abstract reflecting on the following themes:
• Policy environment: new vision of eLearning
• Personalised learning environments
• Institutional development and technologies
• Virtual mobility
• Data mining and software ergonomics
The best contributions will be invited to be published in the Book of Essays. Registration will be open in December 2008. Participation is free of charge, light lunches and coffee will be served.[] Abstract (half to one page) submission deadline: 11 December 2008. Being aware of the short notice on abstract submission deadline, we encourage authors who would face difficulties in meeting the deadline to contact Eva Suba at for extension request.
For more information on the event, please visit theconference pages.