EDEN 2009
10.11.2008 | Veranstaltungshinweis10. - 13.06.2008 Gdansk University, Poland - First Announcement and Call for Papers
The 2009 EDEN Annual Conference in Gdansk will address the significance and impact of *learning innovation* in Europe. Europe needs a *strategic approach* to boost its capacity for creativity for a flexible, competitive and open economy. Pathways to novel solutions must be significantly shortened. In this process, *Lifelong Learning and ICT are key boosters of change*. Education and training systems are however still inadequately equipped to face this challenge. Substantial learning innovation is needed for which the knowledge base is now only fragmentary. We invite you to join EDEN in Gdansk, the *"Hub of E-learning Innovation"* in June 2009, to make the EDEN Conference once again the leading showcase of progressive ideas and inventions, which may develop into valuable innovations.
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