Call for Chapters
09.07.2008 | AusschreibungBuch zum Thema "Looking Toward the Future of Technology Enhanced Education" geplant
Dr. Martin Ebner (Universität Graz) und Mandy Schiefner (Universität Zürich) planen die Herausgabe eines Buches mit dem spannenden Titel "Looking Toward the Future of Technology Enhanced Education: Ubiquitous Learning and the Digital Native".
Bis 15. September nehmen die Autoren noch Proposal für Kapitel entgegen.
Ziel des Buches (aus dem Call for Proposal):
"This book will aim to provide relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research findings in the area of technology enhanced education. It will be written for professionals who want to improve their understanding of changes in learning and teaching within media in the 22nd century.
We are calling for research papers in the area of e-Learning strongly emphasizing the use of future technologies for education. Only publications with serious data behind and with high impact to the scientific community will be accepted."
Gefragt sind Beiträge zu folgenden Themen:
• Ubiqutious Learning
• Mobile Learning
• Didactical approaches for a digitalized learning behaviour
• Net generation or the Digital gap
• Technology enhanced learning in the lecture room of tomorrow
• Virtual Worlds in Education
• Learning Aspects of Future Technologies
• Next generation learning
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