CfP: ICCE 2008
18.02.2008 | Veranstaltungshinweis27.10.2008 - 31.10.2008The 16th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2008
Digital technology is the biggest thrust to change education in this century. Despite being a slow process, technology will ultimately change every aspect of education. In this rapidly growing and by nature interdisciplinary field, research interests are swiftly diverging. Innovative pedagogy design, rigorous scientific studies, and care and concern for humanity are all within our research realm.
In response to this emerging diversity, ICCE2008 will be a meta-conference – a conference of multiple, collocated theme-based conferences. On one hand, nurturing theme-based research communities will enhance the identity or sense of belonging of individual researchers in these thematic communities and help cultivate prospective Special Interest Groups in the Asia-Pacific region. On the other hand, animated exchanges among these collocated thematic communities will inspire new research and, more importantly, foster research openness – broadmindedness and mutual-appreciation for scholarly work in different research foci. Moreover, for cultural and geographical reasons, there is a need to connect Asia-Pacific researchers effectively with the worldwide research communities, which are usually associated with some established international conferences.
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