Innovate Ausschreibung zu Future of Education

13.07.2007 | Ausschreibung

Das Online Journal Innovate sucht Beiträge für eine Ausgabe zum Thema "Future of Education".

"This special issue focuses on trends, pressures, and evolutions shaping thefuture of education in all its forms, with particular consideration of therole of information technologies in creating that future."


"Submissions for this special issue may address, but are not limited to,these key issues:

1. What does the "rise of the amateur" in media, music, and news industriessuggest for education providers of the future?

2. What is the role of universities and colleges when the world'sinformation is at the fingertips of learners, without the mediation ofexperts? Or when experts make those resources freely available throughMIT's OpenCourseWare or Open University’s OpenLearn?

3. Is a copyright system designed to protect physical objects—books,magazines, and journals—capable of serving the digital knowledgeneeds of the next generation?

4. How can technological tools be used by developed countries to assistemerging countries in educating their people?

5. How should governance and leadership be structured in educationalinstitutions facing exponential change?

6. Are existing research agendas and methodologies capable of answering theknowledge needs of the next generation?

7. Do our existing theories of learning reflect how digital natives learnin the information age?"

Einreichungen sind bis zum 15. Oktober möglich. Verantwortlich für die Sonderausgabe ist George Siemans ( und James L Morrison (

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Kategorie: Ausschreibung