ALT Annual Conference 2017: Call for proposals
06.03.2017 | Call for Papers/ParticipationDie Veranstalter der ALT-Konferenz (Association for Learning Technology) laden herzlich zur jährlichen Konferenz nach Liverpool ein und freuen sich auf aktive Teilnahme. Hauptthema des diesjährigen Treffens ist: „Beyond islands of innovation – how Learning Technology became the new norm(al)“. Beiträge können bis zum 20. März 2017 eingereicht werden
This 24th Annual Conference takes place in Liverpool from 5 to 7 September 2017. The theme this year is ‘Beyond islands of innovation – how Learning Technology became the new norm(al)’. The Call for Proposals is now open
Key dates
- Webinars for potential authors: 10 March 2017, 2.00 to 3.00 GMT
- Deadline for submissions is Midnight GMT, Monday 20 March 2017
- Notification of acceptance: May 2017
- Register to attend: May 2017
- Webinar for accepted authors: August 2017
Proposals for different session formats:
You can submit proposals for one of the following:
- Posters (displayed in print and online)
- 5 minutes: Lightning talk, usually a presentation
- 20 minutes: presentation with time for questions or a brief discussion
- 40 minutes: research presentation, technical demonstration or discussion, all with an interactive element for participants
- 1 hour: workshop or panel discussion, fully interactive format.
Hier gelangen Sie zum vollständigen Call for proposals.