5. Workshop zu Awareness und Reflexion im technologiegestützten Lernen
21.05.2015 | Call for Papers/ParticipationIm spanischen Toledo findet am 15. September ein Workshop zu Awareness und Reflexion im technologiegestützten Lernen im Rahmen der 10. European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) statt. Noch bis zum 30. Juni können Beiträge eingereicht werden.
Aus dem Call for Papers:
”Awareness and reflection are viewed differently across the disciplines informing Technology Enhanced Learning (CSCW, psychology, educational sciences, computer science and others). The ARTEL workshop series brings together researchers and professionals from different backgrounds to provide a forum for discussing the multi faceted area of awareness and reflection. 2015 will be the 5th workshop in the series.
Through the last ARTEL workshops at EC-TEL the addressed topics are converging towards the usage of awareness and reflection in practice, its implementation in modern organisations, its impact on learners and questions of feasibility and sustainability for awareness and reflection in education and work. To reflect the growing maturity of research in ARTEL over the years this year's topic particularly invites contributions that deal with the application of awareness and reflection in practice.
The motto of the workshop this year is: 'Awareness and Reflection in Practice: How can awareness and reflection technology become common in work practice and how does it change work practices?'
The workshop aims at:
- Providing a forum for presenting and discussing research on awareness and reflection in TEL.
- Creating an interactive experience that connects participants' research, current tools or latest prototypes and models with real end users' learning experiences and requirements regarding reflection technology.
- Creating an agenda for future ARTEL research and development.
Topics of interest:
- Theoretical discussion of awareness and reflection in TEL and related concepts (e.g., collaborative learning, creativity techniques, experiential learning, etc.).
- Methodologies to identify, study and analyse awareness and reflection in the context of (technology-enhanced) learning (quantitative and qualitative methods, learning analytics, visualisations etc.).
- Empirical studies about technology support for awareness and reflection.
- Technology (design, application, evaluation) supporting awareness and reflection.
- Designing awareness and reflection in TEL applications and processes.
- Using awareness and reflection support to enhance the learning experience.
- Awareness of social context, knowledge, artefacts and processes.
- Awareness and reflection in specific contexts, such as higher education, work-integrated learning, learning networks, etc.
- Full papers: Description of novel theoretical, empirical or development work on awareness and reflection in TEL, including a substantial contribution to the field (up to 15 pages).
- Work in progress: Ongoing research and current approaches on investigating the field, with initial insights for the community. This especially includes papers to be submitted to the IJTEL special issue, which the authors want to discuss in a preliminary state at the workshop (up to 7 pages).
- Demos: Prototypes, design studies and tools for the support of awareness and reflection in TEL, which can be demoed and discussed (up to 3 pages)."
Weitere Informationen erhalten sie auf der Webseite des Workshops.